DooM - Afterburn bietet dir Informationen, FAQs, Tuts und downloadbare Dateien zu DooM und DooM-2. Dabei werden die Source-Ports jDoom, gzDoom, Doomsday, Risen3d und andere berücksichtigt. Doom als 3D-Spiel ist ein bekannter Horror-Shooter und Ego-Shooter.

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DooM - xFAQ

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» DooM - xFAQ «


The VERTEX Resource

by Matthew S. Fell



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These are the beginning and end points for LINEDEF s and SEGS. Each VERTEX's record is 4 bytes in 2 short fields:

The structure of the DOOM WAD VERTEX


 The Coordinate Grid

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On the automap within the game, with the grid on (press 'G'), the lines are 128 units apart (0x80), two lines = 256 (0x100).

Note:: the coordinate system used for the locating of VERTEXES and the heights of the sectors corresponds to pixels, for purposes of texture-mapping. So a sector that's 128 high, or a multiple of 128, is pretty typical, since many wall textures are 128 pixels high.

And yes, the correct plural of "vertex" is "vertices". It's just that id don't use it in their WAD resources, so neither can we here in the UDS!


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