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ZDaemon Launcher Protocol
April 3, 2004

1. Introduction

This document specifies the ZDaemon networking protocol related to launchers. The following definitions apply:

[byte]:(8 bits, 1 byte) Unsigned integer from 0 to 255.
[short]:(16 bits, 2 bytes) Signed integer from -32768 to 32767.
[ushort]:(16 bits, 2 bytes) Unsigned integer from 0 to 65535.
[ulong]:(32 bits, 4 bytes) Unsigned long integer from 0 to 4294967295.
[float]:(32 bits, 4 bytes) Single precision floating point value.
[string]: Zero-terminated byte array (ASCIIZ String). The string length is variable; the last byte of the string is 0 indicating the end of the string.

2. Protocol Commands
2.1 Server List request (Launcher → Master Server)

Request to the Master Server to send a list of public server addresses.

[ulong]Launcher Challenge (777456)
[byte]Launcher Version (106)

2.2 Server address list (Master Server → Launcher)

This is a list of addresses from public servers that are registered at the Master Server (given as an answer to the Server List request).

[ulong]Launcher Challenge (777456)

For each server:
[byte]Sentinel flag (End Of List if this equals 101)
[ulong]IP number in Big Endian byte order
[ushort]Port number in Big Endian byte order
[byte]Trusted flag (0 or 1): indicates if experience points will be counted

2.3 Outdated Protocol (Master Server → Launcher)

This indicates that the Launcher challenge is outdated. The protocol code must be updated.

[ulong]Launcher Update (22383)
[string]New ZDaemon URL
[byte]New version number

2.4 Master Login (Launcher → Master Server)

Request for login for a particular player.

[ulong]Master Login (1137)
[ulong]Launcher Version (106)
[string]User Name

2.5 Master New Account (Launcher → Master Server)

Requests the creation of a new account on the master server.

[ulong]Master New Account (1338)
[ulong]Launcher Version (106)
[string]User Name

2.6 Master Update Profile (Launcher → Master Server)

Requests the update of the profile of a logged in player.

[ulong]Master Update Profile (1346)
[string]New profile information

2.7 Master Player List (Launcher → Master Server)

Requests a list of the recently logged in players.

[ulong]Master Player List (1348)

2.8 Master Request Player Info (Launcher → Master Server)

Requests information about a particular player.

[ulong]Master Request Player Info (1350)
[string]Player Name

2.9 Master Welcome (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master for successful logins.

[ulong]Master Welcome (1343)
[string]Player Profile Info
[ulong]Player rank
[long]Player level
[long]Player experience
[long]Player highest rank

2.10 Master Account Created (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master for successful logins.

[ulong]Master Account Created (1344)
[string]Player Profile Info
[ulong]Player rank
[long]Player level
[long]Player experience
[long]Player highest rank

2.11 Master Error (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master for unsuccessful logins or account creations.

[ulong]Master Error (1339)
[ulong]Error code:
    1341 = "Account already exists" (when creating a new account),
    1340 = "Account does not exist" (when attempting to login),
    1342 = "Bad password" (when attempting to login)

2.12 Old Launcher Version (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master for unsuccessful logins or account creations.

[ulong]Old Launcher Version (1359)

2.13 Master Accept Profile (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master for successful profile updates.

[ulong]Master Update Profile (1347)

2.14 Master Player List (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master about the recently logged in player list.

[ulong]Master Player List (1349)
[ushort]Number of players

For each player:
[string]Player Name

2.15 Master Return Player Info (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master with the information about a particular player.

[ulong]Master Return Player Info (1351)
[string]Player Name
[string]Extra profile info
[ulong]Player Rank
[ulong]Player Highest Rank
[long]Player Level
[long]Player Experience
[long]Experience value at beginning of player's level
[long]Experience value at beginning of player's level+1
[byte]Player standard avatar ID (0-7)
[long]Player custom avatar ID (None if zero or negative; if positive, the avatar can be found at where NNN is the custom avatar ID).

2.16 Master Player Not Found (Master Server → Launcher)

Response from the master to the "Master Request Player Info" message.

[ulong]Master Player Not Found (1352)
[string]Player Name

2.17 Server status request (Launcher → Server)

This asks a server to send information about its current settings and players.

[ulong]Launcher Challenge (777123)
[byte]Launcher Version (106)

2.18 Server status info (Server → Launcher)

This is the answer to the previous server request.

[ulong]Server Challenge (5560020)
[string]Server Title (banner)
[byte]Current number of clients
[byte]Maximum number of clients
[string]Short map name (like E#M# or MAP##)
[byte]Number of additional WAD files (PWADs)

For each additional file (PWAD):
[string]PWAD Filename (without path info)
[byte]Game type (0=DM, 1=Team DM, 2=Coop, 3=CTF)
[string]Game name (eg., "Ultimate Doom" or "Doom II")
[string]IWAD Filename (without path info)
[byte]Skill (0-4)
[string]Website (URL of web server or maybe a URL to an unusual WAD file used by the server)
[string]Email of server admin
[byte]Current Number of clients

For each client:
[short]Frags (Kills in coop mode)
[byte]level (currently undefined)
[ushort]minutes in game
[ushort]Server Version (106)
[ulong]Extended Information Flag (0x01020304); indicates that more information follows.
[byte]Password flag (0=not required, 1=required)
[byte]Current number of players actually playing.
[byte]Max. number of players who can actually enter the game.
[ushort]Time limit (in minutes: 0 if no limit)
[ushort]Time left on current map (in minutes: 0 if no limit)
[ushort]Frag limit (0 if no limit)

For each client:
[byte]Bot flag (0=Human, 1=Bot)
[byte]Spectator flag (0=Playing, 1=Spectator)
[byte]Team (0=Red, 1=Blue, 2=Green, 3=Gold)
[byte]Max. playing teams (should range between 2 and 4)
[ushort]Team Score limit (0=No limit)
[float]Team Damage factor (0-1)

For each team (there are always 4 of them):
[short]Team score

For each PWAD:
[byte]Optional flag (0=Required, 1=Optional)
[ulong]Extended Information Flag (0x01020304); indicates that more information follows.
[string]Detailed version info about the server and O/S
[ulong]Extended Information Flag (0x01020304); indicates that more information follows.
[float]Gravity value (Positive number: Default = 800)
[float]Air Control factor (0-1. Default = 0.00390625)
[ulong]End-of-packet signal (0)
Flash-Plugin fehlt !