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Info zu sonic.wad

		    Super Sonic DooM - The Story so Far

The year is 2105.

You are Julian Grant, top secret agent and second only to Jody Russell ('007')
having risen sharply since some heroic performances on the home front during 
Jody's mission to stop the MISSILE organisation three years ago.  Formerly a 
tough space marine in the Fragport garrison, your call sign is 'DamaGe', as you 
do lots of it during missions and love it, too.

At the moment, Jody is on assignment somewhere, so you're the best around.
And over the past few weeks the SSS has been monitoring the Firestorm Aerospace 
Corporation (FAC) and their base on a huge island due to suspicious activities 
(notably the repeated use of a flame-throwing warship on the island) and the 
belief that they have the capability to open some of those annoying entryways 
to the demon world.

But for now it's fairly quiet.  You check your watch and realise it's nearly 
time for the agent based in the biggest forest on the island to make a routine 
transmission from his outpost.  You sit back in your chair, tune in to your 
favourite pirate TV station and wait for the SSS communications centre to relay 
any important information to you...

Title                   : Super Sonic DooM

Filename                : SONIC.WAD

Author                  : Stephen Clark  (The Ultimate DooMer!)

Email Address           :

Other WAD's by me       : Operation: Lightning (OP-LITE2.WAD) - 11 DooM 2 levels
			  Fragport (FRAGPORT.WAD) - 32 innovative DooM 2 levels

			  Shadowcaster (SHADOW.WAD) - 9 Heretic levels

			  Licence to Spell DooM (007LTSD.WAD) - 9 Ultimate ZDoom levels

			  I have also contributed to the following community wads:

			  Community Chest - map 01 & 20, and the off-level graphics.
			  Mock 2 - map 39, 40 & the 'you fail it' area in map 41.
			  Plutonia II - map 24 (all of), 25 (all except for first area) & 29 
			  	   (final area, some detailing and thing placement/gameplay)
					and some testing/tweaking (maps 04-22, 26, 28, 31).
			  (unreleased as of yet)
			  Community Chest 2 - map 15.
			  ZDaemon CTF Map Pack 3 - map 13 (improvements) & map 29 (all of).

Completion Date         : 24th December 2004

Release Date            : 24th December 2004

Misc. Author Info       : A hardcore DooMer who loves all it's similar
			  games (esp. Quake 2, Half-Life and Unreal) but still
			  thinks DooM is best.

Description             : A DooM 2 episode with a Sonic influence throughout, courtesy of a 
			  brainwave I had during the map drawing phase of Licence to Spell DooM.
			  It has the Sonic layout (zones, acts, bosses) and also has some 
			  Sonic features (monitors, springs, water).  It also uses the health 
			  system seen in map 09 of Fragport (which was also Sonic-inspired) 
			  but will still look and play like a normal DooM 2 megawad.

Additional Credits To:    Russ Walsh (for the corrugated metal texture/flats).

			  Nick Baker (for the GRAY6 and WARNING graphics).

			  Josh Fallon (for the night sky).

			  Jean-Serge Gagnon (for the forest portion of the skys).

			  Espi (for the GRASS3,4,5 flats and the 2 larger green trees).

			  Leo Martin Lim (for the excellent shuttle seen in the intro).

			  Björn Ostmann (for the window textures seen in the city maps).

			  Fredrik Johansson (for the GRAY3 and SUPPORT5 graphics).

			  Nigel Rowand (for the marine skin that formed the base of my
					mercenary sprites)

			  John Weeks, Paul Lapensee, Katsumi No, MPS, Mike, W1P3OUT XL, 
			  Joe Cortez, and Fredrik Johansson (for the excellent midi music).

			  Cyb, LilWhiteMouse, Ty Halderman, Randy Heit and others 
			  (for help on scripting).

			  Enjay (for help on BEX stuff).

			  Graf Zahl, NiGHTMARE and Little Faith for beta testing and feedback.

			  Randy Heit (for ZDoom).

			  Graf Zahl (for the additional coding which made things like 
				     new monsters possible.  I already had these in 
				     the project using the old BEX method, but Graf's 
				     new DECORATE method made things a lot easier and 
				     in most cases, better as well).

			  The creators of all the editors I used to make this happen.			  

			  Sega for the excellent Sonic games, which this project was 
			  inspired by.			  

			  And of course, id software for the greatest game on earth!

*Playing Instructions*

This zip should contain the following files:

  SONIC.WAD - The megawad.
  SONIC.BAT - Batch file for playing the megawad.
  SONIC.TXT - This file.
  ENEMY.TXT - Details of the enemies.
  _INTRO.ACS - Scripting for the intro.
 _SCORES.ACS - Scripting for the scoring and timing stuff.
  _TRANS.ACS - Scripting for the colour translations.
_WEAPONS.ACS - Scripting for the weapons/ammo plus misc stuff.

To play :  Click on sonic.bat

NOTE: This wad has a rather lengthy scripted intro. You can skip the main part
of it at any time by following the instructions on-screen when you start the game.
The game will autosave at regular intervals during the intro, and also at the end.

Even if you don't like long cutscenes, it is recommended that you watch the intro 
when you play the wad for the first time, as it contains important information on 
some of the enemy characters as well as the story in general, and also the other 
cutscenes will not make sense if you haven't seen the intro at least once.

You will need 50 megs of hard drive space to play Super Sonic DooM.

* Play Information *

Game Version Required  : DooM 2 (v1.9), running with ZDoom (v2.0.97+)
			 It is recommended that you use the modified version of 
			 2.0.94 which I tested the game with.  Download it 

			 (as ZDoom has been plagued by bugs recently, so 
			 versions 2.0.94, 95 and 96 make the wad unplayable. 
			 The version linked to above is one that definitely 
			 works, hopefully versions 2.0.97 and up will work)

			 Also, make sure that you have wallrunning turned off, 
			 or map 17 will not work at all.

Episode and Level #    : Map 01-35 (yes, a mega-megawad!)

Single Player          : Yes - Built for it!

Cooperative            : No  - the layouts and scripting are not co-op friendly.

Deathmatch             : No  - the layouts and scripting are not DM friendly.

Difficulty Settings    : Yes - of course.

New Sounds             : Yes - Sonic sounds plus sounds from my other wads. 
			       Some of these are used as ambient sounds.

New Graphics           : Yes - Lots!

New Sprites	       : Yes - Lots!

New Game Text	       : Yes - BEX patch and mapinfo lump are inside the wad.

New Music              : Yes - Sonic tunes! - downloaded from 
			 (game midi site) and (John Week's site)

Demos Replaced         : None - ZDoom doesn't like them.
* Construction *

Base                   : My creative mind (And lots of inspiration from a wide
			 		   variety of sources)

Editor(s) used         : WadAuthor, WinTex, DeHackEd, DeePsea, XWE, ZDBSP, 
			 Paint, PSP, MD2 Viewer, AudioRack, Audio Recorder, 
			 OggDrop XPd (Ogg Vorbis), FLAC, MooD, Doom Builder.

Build Time	       : 2 years (but with some periods of downtime)

Known Bugs             : Marines won't finish their patrol routes in the intro 
			 and cutscenes. (current ZDoom bug)

			 One or two intro cameras don't work properly. (bizarre)

			 The player can face the wrong way in a couple of cutscenes.

			 The game will slow down on some PC's when playing map 10 
			 and 14 due to the complex architecture.

			 Minor HOM during the map 12 boss, but it's unavoidable 
			 and doesn't really affect anything anyway.

			 Polyobject bleeding on a specialist feature in map 09.

			 For some reason the railgun cone doesn't always appear 
			 when fired in map 20. (bizarre)

			 The moving platform in map 21 disappears from view 
			 when it nears you, but still works otherwise. So I put 
			 another one alongside it to help out.  (bizarre)

			 The "key required" messages do not work properly on 
			 locked polyobject doors (current ZDoom bug).

		     Super Sonic DooM - Special Features

Zones			: There are 15 zones, each with 2 acts (maps) in them. 
			  Most of these are small/medium, with a few large ones,
			  and there are no intermission screens between them.
			  There are also 5 hidden bonus stages, at suitable intervals.
			  And a 'special' secret in each zone without a bonus stage.

Bosses			: In true Sonic fashion, each act has a boss at the end of it.
			  The act 1 bosses will be tough monster-based challenges, and 
			  the act 2 bosses will be more Sonic-like, and you will have 
			  to shoot a target 8 times to defeat them.

Springs			: Also in true Sonic fashion, there are springs in all the maps.
			  Just walk into them (wall-mounted) or onto them (floor-based) 
			  and fly through the air!  There are two types of spring - the
			  yellow ones are weaker, and the red ones are stronger.

Monitors		: These act like those in the Sonic games - jump on them and 
			  you'll get a reward.  There are seven types of monitor:
			  Health (10%), Armour (10%), Invisibility, (60 sec), Invincibility 
			  (20 sec), Radiation suit/rebreather (60 sec), Extra Life (200% both) 
			  and the good old Speed boots (30 sec).  Occasionally a monitor will 
			  be needed for a puzzle or secret, but it's usually easy to tell when.

Moving Platforms	: Another Sonic feature, these are groups of 4 metal plates that 
			  move together.  When travelling on these, you must move with the 
			  platform (very important!) as they will not carry you themselves.
			  Also, try not to get in the way of them, as it will mess up their
			  formation and make it impossible to travel on them!

Score			: There is a proper scoring system here - points are awarded for 
			  killing monsters, finding secrets, getting 100% kills and 
			  100% secrets in a map, and a time bonus in each map, based on the 
			  time taken to reach the map's exit.  (except in the last zone, 
			  where points are scored for killing only)

		    Note: Points will not be awarded for killing lost souls spawned by pain 
			  elementals and monsters spawned by the boss spawners.

			  For a full list of scores (excluding bonus stages), see scores.txt.

Time			: A Sonic-esque timer will also be in use on each map.  Don't worry, 
			  you won't die after a certain number of minutes, but the quicker 
			  you complete a map, the more points you'll get on the time bonus.

		    Note: ZDoom's automap timer is useless here, as it measures the total 
			  game time not the individual map times. Only valid at the end.

Health			: The health system is a little different here.  It is found in 
			  rings (1%), health monitors (10%), golden potions (50%), 
			  berserk packs (100%) and extra life monitors (200%).
			  All can take it above 100% (except the berserk).

Armour			: The armour system is similar.  It is found in helmets (1%), 
			  armour monitors (10%), red armour suits (50%), green armour 
			  suits (100%) and extra life monitors (200%).
			  Helmets and monitors can take it above 100%, armour suits cannot.

New Weapons		: There is one new weapon - a railgun.  This is selected by pressing 8, 
			  and fires a single, accurate shot with lots of power and a long range.
			  The weapon is right handed (not centred like the other weapons), 
			  comes with it's own laser sight and uses up 10 cells per shot.
			  None of the existing weapons have been replaced. (innovation++)

New Enemies		: There are over 50 different enemies in Super Sonic DooM - the details 
			  are in enemy.txt. (tons of new ones plus tweaks to some original ones)

Breakable Consoles	: Many of the consoles, computers, monitors, displays etc.
			  can be smashed with one shot.  Just for fun.
			  (this also applies to the detailed wall lights found in some zones)

Security Cameras	: These are banks of large monitors on the walls.  To operate them, 
			  simply walk up to them and press 'use'. To stop viewing, simply 
			  move away from them.  Unlike consoles, cameras are unbreakable.
			  These are found in the more industrial/tech zones.

Static Guns		: These are heavy guns mounted on the ground, and can be operated by 
			  yourself - simply press the firing switch.  They can fire a variety
			  of different projectiles at different rates, depending on the gun.
			  Some of them can be aimed as well... (these will have glassy panels on 
			  each side of the trigger, simply push them to move the barrel that way)

Projectile Launchers	: These exist all over the place, and simply fire projectiles at 
			  regular intervals.  The projectiles and their directions vary.

Mines			: These are static hazards that will explode when you touch them, and 
			  are found in some of the more heavily-protected areas.

Barrels			: There are now 6 different types of barrels.  The two lighter-coloured 
			  metal barrels are destructable, and all types of barrel are pushable.

Keys			: Six different coloured keycards instead of three.

ZDoom Features		: Everything under the sun (or thereabouts), including fully scripted 
			  intro and victory/credit sequences!


* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use any of these levels as a base for modification or re-use.
Be inspired by them, but don't copy them.

You MAY use the scripts, graphics and sounds in your own wads as long as you 
give me credit in your text file and include a link to this wad. If you include 
your own credit sequence in your wad I would like to be mentioned there, too.
For graphics listed in the credit section of this file, give credit to the 
respective author(s) instead of myself. This also applies to the music.

You may distribute this wad as long as you include this text file and the 
other files intact.


* Where to get this WAD * (and mirrors)

My DooM 2 wads are at:  /pub/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/m-o/
		  and:    "     "      "      "     "  /megawads/
My Heretic wad is at:     "     "      "   /heretic/s-u/
and Quake 2 skys at:      "     "   /graphics/ and

Licence to Spell DooM is at: /pub/idgames/levels/doom/Ports/0-9/

ZDoom is available at:
Next, I'm off into the world of Hexen to create a fantastic RPG adventure 
that you'll never forget!
Flash-Plugin fehlt !