DEUS VULT II: The First Edition
= Version 2008-02-25c =
C O N T E N T:
2.1 Quick and Easy Install
2.2 Differing Versions of DVII
2.3 Compatibility
4.1 Single Player
4.2 Cooperative
4.3 No Deathmatch
5.1 Single Player Demo Recording
5.2 Cooperative Demo Recording
5.3 Demo Recording with PrBoom-Plus
5.4 Demo Recording with ZDoom 2.2.0
5.4.1: ZDoom 2.2.0 Single Player Demo-recording
5.4.2: ZDoom 2.2.0 Co-op Demo-recording
6.1 New Weapons
6.1.1 Dual Pistols
6.1.2 Sauron's Gauntlets
6.2 New Monsters
6.2.1 Hell Cleric
6.2.2 Flying Balrog
9.1 Self-Input
9.2 Favorite Games
9.3 Random Thoughts on Mapping
10.1 Acknowledgements
10.2 Special Thanks
10.3 Doomers and their projects that influenced DVII
11.1 Original Resources
11.2 Modified Resources
11.3 Borrowed Resources
11.4 Usage of Resources
A Doom2 modification made by a Doomer.
The first edition of the sequel to the original Deus Vult. Heavily
emphasizes co-op play and demo recording. Offers a wide variety of gameplay
spanning nine levels, including gun n' run maps, slaughterfests, and tight
survival maps. From small techbases to hellish cathedrals, Deus Vult
II's levels are diverse in architecture as they are in gameplay, and offer
a little bit of everything for the entire family.
2.1 Quick and Easy Install
2.2 Differing Versions of DVII
2.3 Compatibility
You need a sourceport to run Deus Vult II, the two main
sourceports to use for this mod are either PrBoom-Plus or ZDoom.
To download PrBoom-Plus, visit
To download ZDoom, visit
To download GZDoom, visit
Furthermore, you need Doom2.wad to run DVII properly. Doom2.wad is a
file found in your Doom2 directory after installing a licensed copy of Doom2
into your computer. The sourceport will need to run Doom2.wad in
conjunction with DVII-1i.wad or DVII-1u.wad to execute this mod.
If you have any questions regarding installation, feel free to email
DVII's author at
[2.1 Quick and Easy Install]
1) Download the sourceport zDoom at (or GZDoom at It is recommended that you run DVII
with the provided sourceports in /
2) Extract the desired sourceport to a new folder, and place 'DOOM2.WAD' in
that newly created folder.
4) Drag "DVII-1i.wad" or "DVII-1U.wad" into the same location of the zDoom
5) Drop and Drag the "DVII-1i.wad" or "DVII-1U.wad" onto the "Zdoom.exe" or
"gzdoom.exe" file.
6) The game will then automatically start with Deus Vult II.
Note: DOOM2.WAD is found in your DOOM2 Directory. If you do not have it,
you may purchase it from either or For more information, visit
[2.2 Differing Versions of DVII]
There are two versions of DVII: First Edition floating around the net,
differing only in terms of music distribution. Demo playback and levelwise,
they are all identical. The breakdown of the specific differences
in each version...
DVII-1i.wad: The Idgames Archive Edition of DVII, music for Map12
and Map22 are different from DVII-1u. The MP3 files that are
present in DVII are free SPC music files converted to MP3s.
The music in this version meet the conditions of files
uploaded to the Idgames Archive.
DVII-1u.wad: The Ultimate Edition of DVII, this version has the ideal
soundtracks for Map12 and Map22 in MP3s. It makes a
HUGE difference in terms of ingame atmosphere. This is the
best and preferred version of DVII in the author's eyes.
DVII-1u.wad can be obtained by specifically emailing the
author ( requesting a copy of such,
or downloaded wherever available.
[2.3 Compatibility]
DVII uses Boom-Compatible features in its maps.
DVII has been proven to run on PrBoom-Plus, GZDoom 1.1.10 and
ZDoom 2.2.0. I can't account for DVII on any other versions of those ports,
or any other ports for that matter.
ZDoom 2.2.0 runs DVII with MP3s, and shows no bugs, if you are playing DVII
for the first time, THIS is the port to use.
GZDoom 1.1.10 basically runs DVII as solidly as ZDoom 2.2.0, but with
accelerated hardware, you can get smoother framerates out of this port
than say, ZDoom.(depending on the circumstances). This is a great port
to run Deus Vult II in as well.
PrBoom-Plus will run DVII without crashing, thanks to Entryway's
last minute advice, this is the port of choice for demo-recording.
If newer ports of PrBoom-Plus runs DVII with less bugs and slimetrails than, then let those ports replace PrBoom-Plus as the
DVII demo-recording sourceport.
After saving Mars from Hell's demonic invasion, you and your buddies
went back to Earth and found it overrun with the same hellspawns. Most of
humanity including your family and friends are safely evacuated to distant
reaches of space while the world's military fights the demons on Earth.
With nobody to save and a planet full of baddies, the only assignment for
your platoon is to clean house!
You will fight through rivers, dams, valleys, mountains, hills, outposts,
and even your backyard... you will do as you have done on Mars... kick some
demonic butt... then, you will take the fight off Earth and bring it into
their own backyard... it's time! RAWRGGGH!!!
4.1 Single Player
4.2 Cooperative
4.3 No Deathmatch
Deus Vult II's gameplay focuses on subjecting the player to a variety of
combat scenarios across different environments. In order to survive, the
player must fight or evade enemies and reach the exit point of each map.
If you are playing Doom on a sourceport with additional options that promote
ingame behaviors that were not part of original Doom, like jumping,
freelook, finite actor heights, etc... that may affect DVII's gameplay
negatively, and may even get your player to become stuck.
If you don't care about the stuff related to ingame behavior as mentioned
above, just follow this one rule for Pete's sake: NO JUMPING OR CROUCHING!
Thanks to ZDoom's powerful Mapinfo, you don't need to worry about
compatability problems. We decided to leave infinitely tall actors
alone regarding this, as some people do not want this limitation.
[4.1 Single Player]
Deus Vult II's single player gameplay have been adjusted and balanced to be
completable from pistol start up to the Ultra-Violence skill setting.
When played as a series of level, the start of many DVII levels will prove
laughably easy as the player accumulate extra health, ammo, and weaponry
from the previous level(s). If the player wants to challenge himself,
begin all maps from pistol start.
Description of DVII difficulty settings:
I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE: Skill 1 is for newcomers to Doom. If you can read
this, Brent and Jonathan, choose this skill on your
first time through DVII.
HEY, NOT TOO ROUGH: Skill 2 and lower are for newbies and novice Doomers.
Play on this skill setting when you want to scrutinize
the architecture of the levels without getting a rocket
in the face.
HURT ME PLENTY: Skill 3 is calibrated for veteran Doomers who wants
challenging, but non-frustrating play through DVII. The
enemy lineup on this skill level is far more resistant than
Skill 2, so you need to have decent First Person Shooter
experience before starting out the game on HMP.
ULTRA VIOLENCE: On skill 4, most of DVII will be about the same difficulty
as Alien Vendetta's third episode on UV. It will be hard,
and veteran Doomers looking for a death challenge will be
pleased with the later levels. DVII isn't unfair on UV, but
be warned now and again that some of the later Hell areas
will pit you against insane opposition as you've never seen
the likes.
NIGHTMARE: DVII have not been tested on skill 5. Nightmare-Speed looks
favorable on some maps but has yet to be demonstrated. As far as
Nightmare-Max goes, it probably won't be fair, in fact, I'm sure
you'll die trying, play it at your own risk.
The general difficulty progression for all skill levels (except Nightmare)
increases gently with every level... then Hell is introduced. The Hell levels
are hard, probably exponentially harder than the previous levels in terms
of fireight intensity. The DVII difficulty slope turns into an
asymptote the moment you reach the first hell maps. Basically, the Hell
levels on HURT ME PLENTY and ULTRA VIOLENCE will stop most players dead.
Have fun!
There are two exits for each level. A conventional exit and a suicide exit.
The suicide exit will allow for a faster speedrun, but you'll have to
find it first, and convince one of the monsters to let you under!
Happy hunting!
All levels can be exitable without dying from
pistol start on Skill 4 in single-player mode.
[4.2 Cooperative]
In addition to a single-player, cooperative is an imperative for DVII.
Not only for two player, but three and four player cooperative as well.
The DVII levels contain mechanisms that allows for supplementation
of ammo exclusively into player 3 and 4 should they be present in co-op,
without interfering with the 2-player coop ammo/health balance.
In other words, DVII's two-player co-op is gameplay-balanced to a fine
bpoint, but should there be a 3rd or 4th player present, they will gain
health and ammo bonuses right from the start without having to touch any
ingame items.
On Skill 4 (Ultra-Violence) and Skill 5 (Nightmare), Cooperative Mode will
feature monsters that would otherwise not be present in single player.
All levels can be exitable without either players dying with
pistol start on Skill 4 in two-player cooperative.
[4.3 No Deathmatch]
All levels of DVII are geared towards single and cooperative play.
However, there are some source ports like Legacy that support X>4 player
cooperative by spawning the extra players into Deathmatch Starts.
In which case, the Deathmatch Starts can accomodate the extra players
in such ports.
There are four deathmatch starts per level, but no other DM provision.
5.1 Single Player Demo Recording
5.2 Cooperative Demo Recording
5.3 Demo Recording with PrBoom-Plus
5.4 Demo Recording with ZDoom 2.2.0
5.4.1: ZDoom 2.2.0 Single Player Demo-recording
5.4.2: ZDoom 2.2.0 Co-op Demo-recording
5.4.3: ZDoom compat and dmflags breakdown
Both PrBoom-Plus and ZDoom are acceptable as official demo recording
ports for DVII. The following sections will define the conditions
accompanying official DVII demo-recording...
[5.1 Single Player Demo Recording]
Both PrBoom-Plus and ZDoom are acceptable as official demo recording ports
for DVII's single player demo recording, provided they follow the
conditions set by 5.3 & 5.4 and their corresponding subsections.
The Automap cheat (IDDT) is acceptable in DVII single player demo-recording.
[5.2 Cooperative Demo Recording]
Both PrBoom-Plus and ZDoom are acceptable as official demo recording ports
for DVII's cooperative player demo recording, provided they follow the
conditions set by 5.3 & 5.4 and their corresponding subsections.
[5.3 Demo Recording with PrBoom-Plus]
If you plan on recording demos for DVII with PrBoom-Plus, make sure the
following is in the .cfg:
...Without the brackets.
"Otherwise pain and suffering
lie ahead. (This is the complevel that emulates Boom 2.02.
The complevels aren't a minor thing - they make a massive
difference to how things behave in-game.)" - Graham Burgess [Grazza]
Command Line for launching PrBoom-Plus with single player conditions:
prboom-plus complevel 9 -file -skill # -record
On -file , the should be replaced with DVII-1i,
or DVII-1u, depending on the version that you have, but without the
<> brackets.
On -skill #, set this to the skill for recording.
1 = I'm Too Young To Die
2 = Hey Not Too Rough
3 = Hurt me plenty
4 = Ultra Violence
5 = Nightmare
On -record , the should be replaced with whatever
name you want your demo to be, and there should be no <> brackets.
On -longtic, this command is optional, but it does make your mouse
movement less problematic in PrBoom-Plus In Vanilla Doom, if
you were recording, the way the tics were saved to the demo file changed
the accuracy of the mouse turning: small mouse movements didn't do anything
and normal movements were more jumpy. Longtic allievates this problem.
[5.4 Demo Recording with ZDoom 2.2.0]
ZDoom is a great sourceport and is perfectly acceptable as a demo-recording
port for DVII. There are, however, many behaviors in ZDoom that deviate
from original Doom behavior, such as the option to jump, crouch, or even
set actors to be finitely tall. Such things should be minimized through
adjusting compatibility and dmflags.
Basically, any option in ZDoom that promote behaviors which were not
originally in Boom 2.02 should be disabled when it comes to DVII demo
The following subsections 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 define the official
parameters of ZDoom demo recording in single and cooperative mode.
5.4.1: ZDoom 2.2.0 Single Player Demo-recording
Mike's Input on ZDoom 2.2.0 single player demo recording
for DVII:
With the exception of infinitely tall actors, all compatability options
are maintained by a mapinfo lump.
So you only need to worry about this option. The rest are taken care of.
When recording demos in singleplayer, use this command line:
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
zdoom.exe -file +compatflags 16501 +dmflags 267059200
+dmflags2 32768 -skill # -record
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
The dmflags and dmflags2 will set zdoom to run with the gameplay
settings to as close as possible to boom. There is no mouselook,
jumping, or crouching.
On -file , the should be replaced with DVII-1i,
or DVII-1u, depending on the version that you have, but without the
<> brackets.
On -skill #, set this to the skill for recording.
1 = I'm Too Young To Die
2 = Hey Not Too Rough
3 = Hurt me plenty
4 = Ultra Violence
5 = Nightmare (insane kudos to anybody who pulls a
run of map20 or map21 on NM)
Skill is 4 is the ideal level for demo recording.
On -record , the should be replaced with whatever
name you want your demo to be, and there should be no <> brackets.
5.4.2: ZDoom 2.2.0 Co-op Demo-recording
Mike's Input on ZDoom 2.2.0 co-op demo recording for DVII:
Unfortunately, it is simply impractical to play PrBoom online, therefore
the Coop demos are performed only on ZDoom 2.2.0 (unless theres a team
of lan coop demo recorders).
The variables required for coop demo recording:
compatflags 16501
dmflags 267059200
dmflags2 32768
teamplay true
teamdamage 1
These settings enable Friendlyfire, and as stated in the previous
section, there is no mouselook, jumping, or crouching.
Command Line for launching ZDoom with co-op conditions:
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
zdoom.exe -file +compatflags 16501 +dmflags 267059200
+dmflags2 32768 +teamplay true +teamdamage 1 -host # -skill #
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
On -file , the should be replaced with DVII-1i,
or DVII-1u, depending on the version that you have, but without the
<> brackets.
On -host #, set the # to the number of people who will be playing
(including the host).
On -skill #, set this to the skill for recording.
1 = I'm Too Young To Die
2 = Hey Not Too Rough
3 = Hurt me plenty
4 = Ultra Violence
5 = Nightmare
Skill 4 is the idela level for demo recording.
On -record , the should be replaced with whatever
name you want your demo to be, and there should be no <> brackets.
5.4.3: ZDoom compatability flags breakdown
Ideally, the flags should always be set as:
compatflags 16501
Find Shortest Textures Like Doom: Yes
Use Buggier Stair Building: No
Limit Pain Elementals' Lost Souls: Yes
Don't Let Others Hear Your Pickups: No
Actors Are Infinitely Tall: Yes
Criplle Sound For Silent BFG Trick: Yes
Enable Wall Running: Yes
Spawn Item Drops On The Floor: No
All Special Lines Can Block Use