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Info zu eternal.wad

                      Team Eternal Proudly Presents:




- 6 new single-player levels, two bonus levels.
- All difficulty settings
- co-op starts everywhere (untested).
- More custom textures
- New status-bar (same from ED1).
- Many other new and totally new graphics
- Over 32 tunes to put you in that Eternal mood.
  (A CD-Soundtrack will be released soon!).
- A few select new sounds (those from ED1).

- Final DOOM compatible - single wad configuration
- No boot disk required with EMM386 and low memory
- No changes to DOOM2 or Final DOOM directories

- A easy to use yet powerful install/start-up shell.
    * Play as episode starting at title screen
    * Play any level directly with pistol (warp)
    * As many save games as needed
    * Demo playback and recording fully supported
    * Saves and demos deleteable by file, level, episode
    * Full warp options, and general option control
    * Supports future revisions and additions to Eternal
    * Configurable resources (choice of sky, e.g.)

- Made lovingly by an assortment of crazies dedicated to driving
  wad players mad (and pretty fair at it too ).

The upgrade package E3UPG.ZIP

The download package E3UPG.ZIP contains E3UPG.WAD and the files listed
below. Any individual file, FILE.EXT, say can be (re-)extracted with:


You must already have a working Eternal II installation prior to installing
the upgrade software - otherwise you need the new full Eternal package,

The full Eternal package ETERNAL.ZIP

The download package ETERNAL.ZIP contains ETERNALL.WAD and the common files
listed below.

This package contains everything you need except a working DOOM II

Files common to both release packages

ETERNAL.TXT     This is the one you're looking at now
SHELL.TXT       Instructions for the shell
SHELLKEY.TXT    Quick key reference for shell
GENERAL.TXT     Some general help
ED-MUSIC.TXT    The complete Eternal music playlist
CONTACT.TXT     Where to get information or support
CREDITS.TXT     Information on who contributed to Eternal
INSTALL.TXT     Detailed installation instructions
RELEASE.NOT     Details on what is different from Eternal I
ETERNAL.BAT     Used to play Eternal through shell.
ETERNAL.LEV     List of level, author, music names

NULL.WAD        Used to build wads
SEPI3.BMP       Image of standard sky
UDSKY.BMP       Image of Ultimate DOOM based sky
STARS.BMP       Image of starry sky

ESHELL.EXE      Installation program and play shell
PATCHER.EXE     Installation/configuration/patching tools
CWSDPMI.EXE     DJGPP v2 runtime
RANCY.EXE       CSWEEPER randomizer

CSWEEPER.WAD    Bonus level
CREDITS.WAD     Bonus level



The government, in its infinite wisdom, reopened the Mars project. The same
tired old assurances given by the same tired old politicians ring hollow.
"This time it's different", they said. "We will no longer teleport in space.
Instead, we will teleport in time."

Right. As if that made any damn difference.

As the boundaries of time were broken down by earth's best scientists the
children of Hell eyed a new way into man's domain. Not long after the first
successful experiments, the first deformed shape stepped out from the
spinning blue void of the time gate.

History's worst nightmare revisited; demonic invasion.

This is why you exist. A warrior, bred for combat, ready to trade your life
for earth's safety. You and your comrades have at least learned from your
superiors' catastrophic past endeavors. And so you fought, and were
repelling the invasion once more.

Or so it seemed...

Alas, Hell had also gained wisdom from the last war. Now, while the marines
are slaughtering and being slaughtered, the rulers of hell use the captured
time gate to slip into earth's past. If they can't defeat the humans of the
presence, then at least their medieval ancestors will be easy prey...

Earth's past is about to be shaped by demons...

Your platoon's briefing is simple, your mission suicidal:

Use stealth and firepower to infiltrate the time gate complex. You will
deploy a set of teleporters to get as close as possible to the infected
gate.  Still, several hell-spawn strongholds will be between you and the
time-rift.  When you have secured the gate, follow the demons into the
vortex, back to the dark ages. Of what awaits you there little is known,
other than this:

This is not just a deadly threat to the billions currently populating
earth.  It is much more; All previous generations will perish if Hell
wins our past.  The word "human" will be eradicated from existence!!!

If you fail to destroy all of Hell's strongholds and eradicate all demons
you need not look for a way back home;

There will be hell to pay...

(of course something goes wrong with the teleporters and only you come out
alive on the other side, pistol in hand ;)


Contact Team Eternal if you wish information on editing Eternal levels.

 - Keep ETERNAL.WAD intact. Do not extract anything from it.
 - Ask us for the EEK (Eternal Editor Kit) which makes it possible to extract
   all you need to edit from Eternal.wad
 - Do not include ETERNAL.WAD or materials extracted from it with any levels
   you distribute. Please ask them to download ETERNAL.ZIP and/or E3UPG.ZIP
   from either CompuServe, Action Forum or at, id Games.
 - Give Team Eternal a mention in your text file.
 - ETERNAL.WAD is for your viewing pleasure only. We wouldn't like it if you
   messed with it.

 Thank you :)


Eternal Levels                                          Eternal Music

Map:    Name:                   Author:                 Music score:
                                                        by Rich Weeds Nagel
Eternal I

Map01   Genesis                 Alex Mayberry           Searching!
Map02   Tower of Hell           Adam Landefeld          Deathmarch Reprise
Map03   Inter-Base              Dia Westerteicher       Mission Possible
Map04   Nucleus                 Sverre Kvernmo          Suspense!
Map05   Time Gate               Sverre Kvernmo          Eternal Doom
Map06   Pathos                  Alex Mayberry           Mysterious
Map07   The Abbey               Paul Schmitz            Barabbas
Map08   Woodhead                Dia Westerteicher       Spectres
Map09   Forlorn Fortress        Chris Couleur           Hellspawn
Map10   Crimson Tide            Kathy & David Bruni     Suspense Reprise
Map11   Dawn of the Dead        Chris Couleur           The Lost Souls
Map12   Darkdome                Sverre Kvernmo          Death March

Eternal II

Map13   Drop 'Em!               Dia Westerteicher       Instant Death!
Map14   Pistol Only             Dia Westerteicher       Fugue In A Minor
Map15*  Halls of Disarray       Matt Bollier            Cacophage
Map16   Guardstation            Adam Landefeld          Impending Death
Map17   The Crypt               Dia Westerteicher       InDIAn Song
Map18   Stands                  Dave Brachman           Death Assured
Map19   Warheros                Chris Couleur           Psychopathic Evil
Map20   Silures                 Bob Evans               Simple Death
Map21   Fire and Stone          Adam Landefeld          The Battle
Map22   The Seeker              Chris Couleur           Death In D Minor
Map23   Time Gate 2             Dia Westerteicher       Trooper Procession
Map24   Rainbow Bridge          Chris Couleur           Hell's Bells
Map25   Beginner's End          Jim Flynn               Death Jam
Map26   No Parking              Jim Flynn               Doomin'
Map27*  Credits                 Dia Westerteicher       Eternal Medley

* Halls of Disarray has moved to Map32 in Eternal III
  Credits has become a standalone bonus level in Eternal III

Thanks to David Bruni for his contributions to Warheroes.

Eternal III

Map15   Celebration of Evil     Adam Landefeld          DETH Bells
Map31   Monster Mansion         Jim Flynn               UAC 5-0

Map27   Paldorian               Dave Brachman           Barabbas Reprise
Map28   Timeslip                Paul Schmitz            War Cry
Map29   Dominion                Chris Couleur           Death Assured Reprise
Map30   Excalibur               Bob Evans               Death Sword

Map33   CyberSweeper            Jim Flynn               Cyber Hunt
Map34   Credits                 Ty Halderman            Eternal Medley

General Music

Main Menu Screen                                 Introduction To Death
Between Map Status Screens                       Intermission From Death
Episode Transition Storyline Screens             Intermission From Death II

Shell welcome sound by Rich Weeds Nagel


File Name              : E3UPG.ZIP or ETERNAL.ZIP

HD Requirements        : ~30 MB once completely installed.
                         ~50 MB required for installation of revisions (if any)

System Requirements    : Pentium or high-end DX2 recommended.

New art                : Some of the things we've added to Doom2 were
                         snatched from other sources (i.e. Hexen) but by far
                         the greater part of the new stuff is original art.

Play modes             : Eternal Doom was specifically designed for engrossing
                         single-player games. If you have powerful systems you
                         might want to try it out in co-op but deathmatch is
                         definitely not recommended.  Some levels can lead to
                         unresolvable situations in coop, Map02, Map 23, and
                         Map32 in particular. There may also be HOMS in co-op
                         mode that are impossible to view in single-player.Some
                         levels are also too large to save at start in co-op
                         mode due to added multiplayer support.

Difficulty Settings    : Implemented and thoroughly tested.

Demos Replaced         : Demos are included, built-in and full solutions. The
                         demos are converted to your DOOM version as part of

Build Time             : We didn't call it "Eternal" just for fun you know.
                         Don't expect to play it much faster than we wrote it

Bugs                   : No bugs known at the time of release. Feel free to
                         report bugs if you should be better at finding them
                         than us. The fact that the level names on the automap
                         remain unchanged is not a bug, but a simplification.

Where to get Eternal   : FTP
                         Homepage http://www.neosoft/~teamtnt
                         CompuServe (Action Games Forum).

Support                : If you have problems solving a level, feel free to
                         contact the author, or send mail thru the homepage
                         above. Or view the solution demo. Do NOT contact
                         Id Software about this software.


Please see INSTALL.TXT for un-install instructions.


These  are the people that you can thank for taking up all that space on your
hard-disk. In alphabetical order:

Matt Bollier            : (
                           Level Designer
Dave Brachman           : (
                           Level Designer
David & Kathy Bruni     : (
                           Level Designers
Christopher Couleur     : (
                           Level Designer
Yonatan Donner          : (
                           EDIII quick demo team manager
Bob (Odessa) Evans      : (
                           Level Designer
                           Graphics for EDIII
Jim Flynn               : (
                           Level Designer
                           Installation and shell for EDII and EDIII
                           Custom tools
Stan (SkullBane) Gula   : (
                           EDII and EDIII Solution demo maker
                           Quality control for EDII and EDIII
Ty Halderman            : (
                           Project manager for EDIII
                           Wad builder for EDIII
Sverre Andre Kvernmo    : (
                           Main Graphic Artist,
                           EDI Solution demo maker
                           Level Designer
Adam Landefeld          : (
                           Installation and menu for EDI
                           Level Designer
Alex Mayberry           : (
                           Assistant Graphic Artist
                           Level Designer
Rich Weeds Nagel      : (
                           Play-test support
Paul Schmitz            : (
                           Project Manager/Producer EDI
                           Bug Killer
                           Level Designer
Dia Westerteicher       : (
                           Project Manager/Producer EDII
                           Bug Killer
                           Level designer
Peter Zahner            : (
                           Technical Support
                           Quality Control for EDI
Play Testers            :  Tom Apel
                           David Armstrong
                           Cerri James Stian Bergum Hammond
                           David Brachman
                           Derek (NFSfreak) Cadwell
                           Stan Gula
                           Torgeir Von Knag
                           Robyn Michelle Lorber
                           Erling Paulsen
                           Juergen Petz
                           Don Webb of Bakersfield
                           Adrian Worthey
                           Baard Zakariassen
Thanx to                 : id Software
                           Raven Software
                           Olivier Montanuy (DEUTEX, DEUSF)
                           Colin Reed, Lee Killough (BSP)
                           Antony Burden (DETH)
                           Sensor Based Sysems (DeePBSP, DeeP)
                           Marc Rousseau (ZenNode)
                           Jens Hykkelbjerg (RMB)
                           Ben Morris (DCK 3.X)
                           John Williston (WadAuthor)
                           Scott (Psycho) Warren

August 1st, 1996.
Revised Jan 31,1997
Revised Oct 26,1997
---End of file---

Flash-Plugin fehlt !